Please Read Our COVID-19 Update
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COVID-19 Update

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Protective measures instituted to control COVID in the office:

High Volume External suction equipment with HEPA medical grade filters and UV technology to avoid and eliminate any aerosols in the dental environment. Also, redundant air filtration as employed in hospital operating rooms to filter air in entire office every 4 minutes. Of course all PPE including double masking, eye protection, face shields and disposable garments. Every surface saturated with disinfectant to thoroughly sterilize absolutely everything after each and every patient. Each patient pre-screened for any symptoms and Refused admission and quarantined for 2 weeks prior to treatment. Temperatures and oximeter to record patients oxygen saturation and poles every visit.

Thank you


Dear Patients,

Please know that we at Dr. Michael G. Landy, D.D.S and Associates are keenly aware that your dental health needs and safety are of everyone’s utmost concern. Rest assured that we are working extremely hard to prepare to reopen our office, when it is deemed appropriate, in accordance with the government of the District of Columbia, the American Dental Association and the District of Columbia Dental Society guidelines, during this COVID-19 health crisis. Indeed, we have far exceeded the CDC guidelines as well as those mentioned above Consequently, we are implementing numerous safety measures, so you can return for your dental care with confidence that we have done everything technological feasible to protect you, our valued patients, as well as our experienced, dedicated staff. We are equipping our treatment rooms with sophisticated, highly efficient air filtration, scavenging and purification systems that rapidly clean and exchange the ambient air and run it through an ultraviolet decontamination unit. We also have invested in high volume intraoral and extraoral suction equipment, which also cleans and sterilizes the air with additional ultraviolet treatment. The two separate disinfection systems work in conjunction with one another to effectively create a pristine clean, sterile environment, therefore producing the safest possible conditions in the treatment rooms for all concerned.

Every patient will be screened over the phone to ensure that no one who has been in contact with any COVID positive individual or anyone with a fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, etc., comes into the office until they are completely symptom free, for at least two weeks. When you, as our patient, enter our office, be prepared to have your temperature recorded with a non-contact infrared thermometer, as well as a non-invasive pulse oximeter test which will show us that every patient’s oxygen saturation levels and respiratory function are normal. This is another simple, quickly, administered, yet sophisticated test, that will protect everyone in the dental office. Anyone who might deviate from the norm will have to wait another 14 days before they can be seen in the office again.

Our staff of course will also have all the necessary personal protective equipment, including hospital grade high filtration respirators ( N-95 mask), disposable gowns, face shields, head coverings, etc. to protect our patients. Treatment rooms, including the dental chair and all surfaces and equipment are thoroughly sterilized between each patient.
There will be a maximum of one or two patients in the waiting room at any one time and each will be at least six to eight feet apart and must wear a mask while they are in the waiting room. Waiting times should be no more than five minutes.

Initially, we will be treating emergency cases and delivering crowns and other restorations that our patients have been waiting for. Gradually, now over several weeks, we will be initiating more and more elective, non-emergency procedures. Every patient will be required to call the office upon arrival, so we can tell you whether or not you can enter our office at that moment. It might be possible that you may have to wait in your car or outside for a few minutes, until we are ready to allow entry. Also, patients will be require to wear a mask when they enter our building, and guests cannot accompany the patient. Patients will be instructed to to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer prior to being brought into the treatment room. Each patient will be asked to rinse vigorously with a highly effective antiseptic mouthwash.

Also, please note that, Depending on availability, patients will be seen by either Dr. Landy or his associate Dr. Mohit Garg, D.M.D., who has our highest degree of respect and admiration for his clinical knowledge and expertise. He has earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from the prestigious Boston University College of Dentistry and has many years of superior clinical experience, both here and abroad. We know that whether you see Dr. Landy or Dr. Garg, you can expect the highest level of clinical excellence, that you have come to expect from our office.
Thank you for remaining patient and know that we are actively planning to see, once again, our extended family of dental patients, that have expressed the highest confidence in us for the last 35 years of practice in upper northwest Washington, D.C.
Stay healthy and safe!

Dr. Michael G. Landy,
Dr. Mohit Garg,
and Staff

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